About Us

Seven Skies International – A School with a difference.

Our Values


We believe that integrity is a fine quality that should be inculcated while young.


We teach students that good opportunities are to be found anywhere.


We prioritise purity of mind and soul, in personal principle and social empathy.


We prepare student to step forward into the world as talented individuals.

Our Vision

To be the best Islamic premium school that embodies a holistic and caring environment that fosters excellence in academic and moral education. We aim to create responsible leaders that serve humanity.

What Makes Seven Skies Islamic International School Different?

We put students first, exposing them to student centred learning by providing personalised and engaging lesson. We nurture the students to become instinctively motivated and solution driven individuals through the Character Development Program and Islamic education.

 Entrepreneurship Program

Focuses on building the qualities of innovation, self-discipline and resourcefulness in our students. We progressively impart key knowledge, assist in understanding the process and skills, and encourage students to find their own Business Model. They create their own business plan, then put it into action and showcase their products or services at the Souk @ SSI to the public.

The Physical Education (PE) Program

Aims to development students’ motor skills, techniques, and competency so that they can excel in a broad range of physical activities. We ensure that students are physically active for sustained periods of time. Students engage in competitive sports and activities throughout the school year. They also understand and appreciate the benefit of physical activity and sport for health, fitness and well-being.

Physical Education

Leadership and Personality Development

Seven Skies Personal, Social, Health, Economic (PSHE) education and Leadership Development program aims to produce well-rounded individuals with a strong moral compass who are exemplary contributors to their societies. The eight strands of the programs are : Purification of the Heart, Islamic Ethics, Leadership Lessons of the Prophet (SAW), Emotional Intelligence, Mental Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Money Matters and Life Skills.

Behavioural and Discipline Management

The Behavior for Learning policy underpins the expectations of all our pupils within the school and when engaging in external activities. The policy exists to provide a framework for supporting the aims of Seven Skies and ensuring the happiness and learning of every individual in our community. It details our strategies for managing behavior effectively and consequently contributes to ongoing character development and improved learning which enables success in the core purpose – achieving excellence for all our students.


Bootcamp is one of the most effective outdoor education, channeling the effort to help students engage in experiential learning, honing their physical and mental abilities. It is an outdoor excursion event where students will be taken to a different location every year to get out of their comfort zones, explore, learn, develop themselves, participate in fear removal activities and have a fun-filled memorable experience, bonding with their teachers and peers.

Social Theme

Our Social Theme Concept is the main pillar of our Character Development Program. This is aligned with our vision of “Educating for Social Responsibility”. Students are introduced to various social problems and issues that occur around the world. The main objective is for them to brainstorm solutions to bring social change in the society and in the mindset of people.

Islamic Studies

Our syllabus enables learners to gain a deeper understanding of our religion. As a result they are able to think and practice Islam based on sound knowledge and confidence. The syllabus ranges from Tahfiz, Arabic language, Heroes of Islam and ettiquets of daily worship and lifestyle.


We implement a combination of effective techniques in memorising the Quran along with spiritual and moral development of the child. They are taught to recite the Quran with correct tajweed, but most importantly to inculcate and display the beauty of the teachings through good manners and character.


The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for understanding and communication. It is based on the linked skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing and these are built on as students progress through their studies.

100 Heroes of Islam

This program presents a glimpse into the lives of some of the greatest heroes and role models of Islam. It aims to increase the students’ conviction to their faith.

Parents Testimonials

Testimonial 1

Assalaamu alaykumu salams wa rahmatu ul-laahi wa barakatuh Principal Alaa of Seven Skies.

With Principal Alaa’s faith in our son’s abilities to enrol for Grade 11 in Seven Skies for the academic year of Sept. 2019 to April 2020 despite the fact one of the teacher who marked our son’s entrance exams felt that he should be relegated to Grade 10, shows his humanity in looking beyond the numbers. Instead he relied on our son’s demeanour and his gut feelings as a headmaster.

We were desperate parents whose son was not getting the grades he should get even though most of his teachers in his former school, IMAS said that he was such an intelligent student. Muhammad Syafiq was always getting Cs, Ds, Es & even Fs. Once in a blue moon he would achieve a B.

However, in Seven Skies our son made such an about turn.

He was focused and serious. I do believe it was the environment and his teachers that played a major role in his study ethics ; especially Teacher Azura & Teacher Akande went beyond what many teachers would do. They were relentless but kind.

Seven Skies though not inexpensive was mainly about success in students academic achievements. However, they were also equally dedicated in moulding the students in the islaamic tenets, frequently having various extracurricular activities & programmes which involved parents, teachers & students. They kept us informed through emails. I wish we had transferred our son earlier; much, much earlier. Allaahu a’lam.

Alhamdu lilLaah, when Muhammad Syafiq finished his 10th grade in IMAS, a teacher there, advised me to transfer him to Seven Skies. Grateful we will always be.

Seven Skies is the best Islamic school for our son. In shaa Allah, they will prosper more in years to come. I can’t thank them enough. May Allaah reward the teachers & principal Mr. Alaa.

Sincerely yours,
Jaswa, umm Muhammad Syafiq.

Testimonial 2

“There’s nothing heavier in scales than good character” Prophet Muhammad SAW

And this is exactly where my journey begins.
In the quest of seeing our children study in the most known and prestigious institutions we must not ignore that education is the primary goal but character, morals, and ethics are equally important and must not be set aside as secondary at any point.

Both my boys aged 12 and 9 were studying in one of the best and hardest to get into schools in Pakistan, but soon I realised that something was missing. All religious and social teachings that I was trying to instill into them were exactly the opposite of the norms and happenings in the school. It got me quite worried and I was unable to find an alternative. Summer vacations began and we planned a holiday to Malaysia. My husband and I had friends there and they suggested we have a look at the schools there. I did quite a lot of research as there was a huge number of islamic and international schools in KL but i was unable to find a place which had a perfect blend of both academics and character building. Either of the two would be missing.

One day I just came across Seven Skies International. I listened to the introductory video by Sheikh Tawfeeq Chowdhuryon youtube and it sounded quite promising. He spoke exactly what I have been looking for. After reading a few reviews and doing my homework my husband and I decided to take this big move.

My husband has his well settled business in Pakistan so we decided to make a sacrifice for our children where I moved to Malaysia with them and my husband stayed back. It was a very tough decision and our whole family opposed the idea, but we thought to be strong for the sake of our children.

I contacted Seven Skies to know the procedure, I didn’t expect it to be so easy and smooth. I was directed to brother Alaa Maali, who is now the current Principal of Seven Skies. Beside the fact that the school was off for summer holidays, he made it possible for me to bring my kids for assessment according to my convenience. His kindness and generosity brought me and my husband at peace and we knew that Allhamdulillah we have made the best decision.

Both my boys studied at SSI for a whole year, and it’s one of the best experiences they could have. The school provided immense support to our children. Not at any point did we feel that it was an institution, it always felt like a family. Seven Skies is a perfect combination of modern day education and character development according to islamic teachings. Both my boys learned so much in this one years time and have come out all groomed, confident and strong at their character. It was their “happy” place, never did i see them so excited to go to the school every single day.

It is quite unfortunate that we had to move back and I really wish that we could’ve stayed longer, but Allah has his own plans and those are always the best for us. Seven Skies and the whole faculty of SSI will always hold this very special place in our hearts. I would really thank each of the teachers, Ustad Ahmad, Ustad Shareef, Ustad Abdo, Mr Sid, Mr Arif, Mr Rizwan,Mr Danish, Mr Brik, Ms Rameesa, Ms Azleen, Ms Nurul, Ms Ahzurah, and Ms Fifi (I hope i did not miss out anyone) for your immense love and support that you showed towards my children. And most of all i would thank brother Alaa from the depth of my heart, you have always been extremely kind and helpful, it would not have been an enjoyable journey without your utmost support and generous nature.

May Allah swt always be with all the hands behind this mission and provide you with more power and strength. Ameen. The purpose of penning this down is merely to thank and motivate the SSI team to keep up the good work by building the new generation in the right direction, (May Allah swt reward you for it) and also to encourage and help those parents who want to provide a balanced lifestyle to their children and want them to conquer both the worlds. I would be glad if my journey becomes a reason of inspiration for even a single person. It was not so easy for us but as our Prophet SAW said “who ever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise”

Zammarah Sarmad

Testimonial 3

As Salaamu Alaikum to the entire staff at Seven Skies,

I just wanted to take the time to express my elation over the program today. I wanted to thank all of teachers individually, however I had to leave abruptly because Muhammad became ill. Alhamdulillah he’s okay now.
Today’s program was so impressive and really has me awestruck over the eloquent speech of the students. Their passion about the environment could be felt immensely and the correlation they made between the ayat in the Quran and sustainability and the effects that humans have on our environment was just spot on. I found myself wanting to film all of the grades, not just the ones my kids were a part of alhamdulillah.
I was shocked to see my own kids speaking on stage despite having inherited my stage fright. They spoke softly but the fact that they were able to overcome this fear and project their feelings about the environment is an amazing accomplishment.
We came to Malaysia because I wanted my children to have the same excitement and experiences that I had when I went to school in America. I have often shared my experiences of performances, game day activities, field trips, tournaments, and travel with my children. They would often respond with “we wish we had those things!”
Well I can honestly say that in just the short few months they have attended school here in Malaysia they have experienced and accomplished so much mashaAllah tabarakAllah. It has exceeded my expectations and I am so excited for them to keep learning and evolving.
I could go on but I just wanted to say JazakaAllahu khair for giving my children these experiences and exposing them to a school climate that not only encourages academic growth but also accountability and so many other positive attributes.
My hope In Sha Allah is that they continue to evolve and eventually catch up and meet the academic standards. I appreciate the efforts of the teachers and pray they continue to be patient with my children as they navigate through this new world.
Again, amazing program, amazing visuals, amazing performances!

May Allah Grant SSI continued success. Ameen.
Tanya Abdur-Rahman

Board of Directors

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